Day#18 Remembering our goals


Day #18: 126 team miles
Lander ā€“ Rawlins, Wyoming
Running Partner: Taylor

This morning we woke up at 5am and our wonderful host provided us with a fantastic breakfast! These two lovely ladies had set out fresh fruit, bagels, muffins, hard-boiled eggs, and all kinds of other things. They even made sure to have special things for the people on our team who have food restrictions and dietary needs: gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian, peanut allergy, apple allergies (and so forth) as well as combinations of these.

Taylor and I ran together today through along some hilly roads in a desert-ish part of Wyoming. To amuse ourselves we named several of them and shared our life stories. As we ran we met a good number of people who are biking across America! One group started in Astoria, Oregon and is going to New Hampshire. There are thirteen of them and they carry all of their own equipment with no support vehicle. They were so excited to see us and took our pictures. It’s pretty cool to see others taking similar journeys and hear some of their stories. The last mile of the day was all downhill and was definitely our fastest and most satisfying! It was a nice relief to go downhill for a change.

Tonight our host is the Rawlin First United Methodist Church. Since the church doesn’t have showers, the nice manager at the RV World Camping area allowed us to use theirs’. The pastor and some church ladies are cooking us a dinner and it smells absolutely delicious! The people here have been very kind to us and breakfast is being provided tomorrow as well (by our generous host).

Though today seemed to be a bit more tiring then usual we had a team “pow wow” and talked about the reasons we are a part of the 4K and it made it all worth a little exhaustion! Everyone on our team has been affected by cancer is some way and it is amazing the things people have been through…having to say goodbye to your mom multiple times just in case…having Leukemia at age 7…losing your dad to cancer…trying to support a best friend currently battling the disease…and so on. Cancer affects so many people but if we lean on each other and form communities of support it doesn’t have to be something we face alone.

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